Complaint Policy
At Markham Medical Centre, we are committed to providing our patients with accessible and quality care that is responsive to their needs. Like any organization, sometimes we may fail to meet the expectations of ourselves, patients, or other stakeholders..
In the interests of providing a safe and positive opportunity for constant, iterative, and constructive feedback and improvement, we have implemented a formal process to give patients an opportunity to voice their concerns, both in respect of the administrative as well as the medical aspects of their relationship with Markham Medical Centre and the physicians and staff who work here.
The Complaint Process
Once a completed submission is received via the form, we will contact you within 1 business day to confirm receipt, as well as notify any other relevant internal parties (e.g. your physician). If you don’t hear from us in that timeframe, please reach out to us using this form to ask us to double check our records.
The office manager will review the submission within 15 days:
If clarification from you is believed helpful, you will be contacted directly.
If the complaint relates to one or more specific physicians, those physicians will be notified and provided an opportunity to comment.
More generally, the committee will invite any relevant individuals (e.g. staff) to provide additional input.
How to Make a Complaint
Please complete the following form: